ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to scan and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server. However the project can be used to encode and decode barcodes on desktops and servers as well. We currently support these formats:
This library is divided into several main components which are actively supported:
There are also additional modules which are contributed and/or intermittently maintained:
There are, finally, some modules no longer maintained but that are available from earlier releases:
- javame: JavaME client
- rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build
- bug: Client for BugLabs's BUG
To complement our decoding software, we have created a web-based QR Code generator which supports contact information, calendar events, URLs, and much more.
I usually generate barcode in C#, sometimes will also need such a tool for java.
Thanks for your article, it's much useful.